I am a mom and my degree is enormously huge
Letters after my last name are like a huge deluge
I have an Associate's Degree in Kidology and Bottles
I have Mastered diaper changing and with diarrhea I don't dare dawdle
I’ve felt inside a diaper and a casualty I became
A poopy finger is no way to gain letters at the end of my name
A degree I have and many I earned
Meals I’ve prepped and food I’ve burned
Biscuits not risen and noodles still crunchy
Talking baby talk like “baby want her lunchy”
I’ve bleached the colors and colored the whites
Washed rugs with the dogs bed and got hair on her tights
The dishes they pile and the laundry too
The sour stench , “Is that the dishes or my stew”
Oh no I think I put dish soap in the roux
The laundry it’s stale, that’s probably mildew
The house, it’s a shamble as the floor can't be seen
Toys are everywhere but it’s a hoarders huge dream
I received a Bachelor’s and was the favorite in my class
I’m the grocery store queen and was honored with it printed on my glass
My mommy mug has many stains
Some logged into the “Hall of Fame”
If you ask me of bonbons I’ll politely turn and say
My couch hasn’t seen my butt since seriously the other day
Bonbons yeah right? I eat the babies Peach Delight
And sometimes pureed carrots, when I mop the floors late at night
I have kidneys like a camel when I’ve rocked the baby to sleep
But bar the door once she starts to snore as a trail I will keep
My legs have hair no Nair could assist
A bush hog maybe, if the farmer wouldn’t resist
Have you seen my dolly’s head
Maybe it’s under your sister’s bed
Throne time is certainly mine
Until dolly’s head tops the toilet line
So let me say just as a taste of frustration
Those Christmas letters bragging on your big education
Awesome, hooray and that is just dandy
But did they teach you how to remove the hair from the candy
Education is awesome and hats off to you proudly
But why is a mom considered not the Summa Cum Laude
Valedictorian, Sam I am
Salutatorian, I’m the Little Engine That Can
My rhyme much too long should turn into a song
A mom’s life although challenging one could never go wrong
So degrees I have them and they make me quite proud
Being a mom is the most amazing job, not always easy but I know that no matter what I was important in the life of my child! Motherhood is not appreciated like it should be nowadays, just a tribute to mommies.
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